速報APP / 娛樂 / Radiant: The Future Of Radio

Radiant: The Future Of Radio



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版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Radiant: The Future Of Radio(圖1)-速報App

First there was FM, then came digital and now, meet Radiant!

Radiant is the hottest digital radio service with your digital host, Rad! Rad knows what music you like (Thanks to his deep integration with Spotify) and plays the sound track to your day!

Monday at 8am on your way to work? Rad's got a song for that! Need help falling asleep? Let Rad sooth your weary soul. Trying to get over the midday, post lunch slump. Rad's got you covered!

Radiant: The Future Of Radio(圖2)-速報App

But wait there's more! Rad's not just a DJ, he's a news anchor, weather man, traffic reporter and music expert. Throughout the day you'll learn about the backstories of artists, wether today today is a shorts and t-shirt or umbrella kinda day, how much traffic you can expect on your commute and hear the local news stories as they happen so you never miss a beat.

Oh and did we mention Rad is interactive? You can tell him if you're really loving whats playing and he'll dig out a few similar ones from the pile to play next, if somethings not really your speed or you just inexplicably hate an artist you can let him know about that too and he'll change his selections on the fly.

How's all that sound? Sound good? Alrighty then! Let's get started!

Radiant: The Future Of Radio(圖3)-速報App

All you'll need is a Spotify premium subscription and you're ready to tune in to the future of radio!

Radiant: The Future Of Radio(圖4)-速報App